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As a kid, I was always a lover
Passionate, empathetic, and I just wanted everyone to be happy!

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I grew up extremely shy, physically unhealthy, and a walking target for bullies.

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I sought an escape from life, and fitness was my answer.

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I started working out, got jacked, and fell in love.

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Decided to conquer my shyness and follow my passion to help others in fitness.

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I quickly became one of the most sought-after group fitness instructors in the area.

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Got engaged. She called it off. And I almost killed myself.

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I continued to help people - it’s all I knew.

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Got my heart broken a few more times. And packed on a lot of shame.

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Something in me knew there was more to life, so…
I cut my lease, sold everything, dropped out of college, and moved to Dallas, Texas.

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Broke, homeless, and suicidal, I slept out of my car for 6 months because I was literally “livin’ on a prayer”

(cue Bon-Jovi).

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Realized I was my own problem and my own solution.

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So I picked up 4 jobs, worked 19 hours a day 7 days a week for 2 months straight.

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Massive burnout led me to quitting all of my jobs and launching my own online fitness business that started supporting me.

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My heart was searching for something more…

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So I cut my lease, sold everything, and traveled the world for a year.

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More heartbreak and chasing emotionally unavailable women.

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Moved to Santa Monica, California to build a new life for myself.

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Said “fuck it” and jumped ship from the fitness industry to help others in a new way.

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Developed some online courses, helped a lot of people fall in love, and had some live events. But neglected my own financial well-being.

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Cue: Threats to sue, $110,000 in debt, and an eviction notice on my door… all on the same day.

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Realized I was out of integrity...

Helping everyone around me find self love, but me.

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Still looking to external sources to save myself, I turned to psychedelics... and had an accidental overdose that landed me psycotic for a month after.

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I snapped back to reality and realized I had to slow TF down. Then 2020 happened.

Insane IBS and depression led me on a path to healing my physical body more than just my mindset. And began studying the systems of the body and many unknown healing methods.  

After months of extensive protocols - I started getting better. And I decided to choose myself. To play the game of life to WIN (not to lose). I put myself and my needs first and decided to go all In on life.

That passionate, empathetic kid who just wants everyone to be happy… 

Finally learned to make himself happy too. 

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I know how to love because I know all the ways to not. I dove into every form of self-abandonment, self-neglect, and self-betrayal possible (and my heart broke enough times) before I finally learned to love myself.

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My story isn’t over yet.
And I’ve devoted my life to loving myself
and helping others like me do the same.

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I’d be honored to help guide you


In your story


That isn’t over yet.

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@2020 Kevin Crenshaw | Heart Gang, LLC | Powered by McCandless Group